why is it important to preserve metals?
We zullen het antwoord op deze vraag voor u leren, naast hoe u metalen kunt conserveren door te verven, verzinken en galvaniseren.
why is it important to preserve metals?
Although metals, as we usually perceive them, are generally very tough, they do break down over time. Rust is one of the most common ways that metals can deteriorate. Plants and animals die, become compost and return to the earth. When metals rust, they break down into smaller particles and also return to the earth. As you know by now, metals come from the earth originally and humans extract metals by mining.
But what causes metals to rust? Sometimes a chemical reaction occurs between a metal and oxygen. This is called oxidisation, which results in rust. Another word for rust is corrosion. Ferrous metals are not resistant to corrosion. This reaction happens much faster when there is salt or certain acids in the air as well. For example, metals close to the sea tend to rust a lot quicker than metals inland. Figure 3 shows an example of this.