A dendritic stream pattern will tend to develop in
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A dendritic stream pattern will tend to develop in __________ .
A stream is a body of water that carries rock particles and dissolved ions and flows down slope along a clearly defined path, called a channel. Thus, streams may vary in width from a few centimeters to several tens of kilometers. Streams are important for several reasons:
- Streams carry most of the water that goes from the land to the sea, and thus are an important part of the water cycle.
- Streams carry billions of tons of sediment to lower elevations, and thus are one of the main transporting mediums in the production of sedimentary rocks.
- Streams carry dissolved ions, the products of chemical weathering, into the oceans and thus make the sea salty.
- Streams are a major part of the erosional process, working in conjunction with weathering and mass wasting. Much of the surface landscape is controlled by stream erosion, evident to anyone looking out of an airplane window.
- Streams are a major source of water, waste disposal, and transportation for the world’s human population. Most population centers are located next to streams.
- When stream channels fill with water the excess flows onto the the land as a flood. Floods are a common natural disaster.
A dendritic stream pattern will tend to develop in __________ .
Each chapter will include a few questions designed to test your knowledge of material covered in the chapter and in the Internet-based resources. Your answers are not being recorded. Try the following.
A dendritic stream pattern will tend to develop in __________ .
regions underlain by regularly-spaced joints or faults
regions of folded strata
along the flanks of isolated volcanoes
regions of flay-lying sedimentary rocks
Dendritic drainage patterns are most common. They develop on a land surface where the underlying rock is of uniform resistance to erosion.